Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Beginnings

I've always liked the beginning of a new school year.

A new year, a fresh start--it holds so much promise and possibility.

I'm going to be a sophomore at Boston University this year and I could not be more excited to get back up there and start the college life, again! This year, however, I am going up with a new philosophy towards style and my wardrobe.

Last May, when I was packing up all my stuff to go back home, I realized that I had brought way too much stuff with me. There was just so many clothes and books and things that I never used or needed. I vowed that when I went back, I would pack much less.

Fast forward to about a week ago, when I found this wonderful blog: Fleurette extolls the virtues of the French aesthetic, maintains a highly curated wardrobe, and is on an epic search for the 'perfect' wardrobe. I admire the principles behind her blog: anti-consumerism, quality clothing, and personal style. Basically, you should buy nice things that fit your style. After reading through all of her posts like a maniac, I have decided to incorporate similar philosophies in my life.


Today, I went through all three closets in my house that my clothes reside in (don't worry, I don't fill them all, I just had some things here and some things there), getting rid of probably 3/4 of the things I once owned. I am left with a much smaller pile (that will probably fit in my small bedroom closet) of items that I have worn constantly this past year.

This summer, I was in a constant state of movement: I started the summer with two straight weeks of vacationing before starting work; I worked down by my father's house during the week and then trekked back up to mother's house for the weekends. I also went on two or three other vacations in between. I basically lived out of a small duffle suitcase for the entire summer. And time after time, whenever I would replenish my wardrobe when I was staying with my mom, I would inevitably reach for the same items. I had closets full of clothes, yet I was wearing the same things over and over again. Remembering that today, I realized that I had to be ruthless when sorting my clothes--anything I hadn't worn in awhile, anything that I had been keeping for purely sentimental reasons, and anything that had stylistic imperfections had to go. This went for shoes and accessories, as well.

All in all, I feel much better about my clothes--no regrets, really--and now I can inventory what I have and then decide what is missing and, therefore, what I need to buy.

I'll update with a list of those things later on!